February 9, 2025

Big M Publishing Co.

The Network Marketing Pro.


With more than 1.2 million people infected worldwide and over 65,000 killed, officials are sharing an important message: brace yourselves.

Over the weekend, President Trump and US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said that this week will be the US’s worst yet for COVID-19 deaths. Adams described the country’s upcoming period as the “hardest and the saddest,” comparing it to a Pearl Harbor or “9/11 moment.” And the president said that the large loss of life could be far worse without things like social distancing.

Meanwhile across the pond, Queen Elizabeth II urged Britons to show “self-discipline” in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. The queen’s rare televised event was only her fourth address to the UK in her 68 year-reign – not including her annual Christmas speech. And came moments before Prime Minister Boris Johnson was hospitalized as a “precautionary step,” after testing positive for COVID-19 last month. The queen’s address aimed to lift the country’s spirits, thanking health care workers and those who were staying at home. She said she hopes “everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge.”

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